Microsoft Teams – Switching between accounts

The rectorate of the CU has created an independent system of Teams that doubles the accounts for users of FA CU (and other faculties as well). The result is that every user of FA has two teams accounts.

The password for both accounts is the same, standard password given by the user in CAS.

For on-line learning, interaction with students and so on, the faculty teams account is the one to use. For events coordinated by the rectorate, it is required to use the rectorate account.

For that reason, it is necessary to log off your faculty account and log in into your rectorate account before attending these events, and vice versa.

First log in to MS Teams

If you are logging in for the first time, you will see the standard log in page, where you fill in your user name and password. Here you need to log in with your faculty or your rectorate user account.

Switching between accounts

 If you are already logged in from one of your accounts, and you need to switch to the other one, you need to log off. To log off, click on the circle with your image in the upper right corner and choose the option to log off. After logging off, the log in screen will appear again and you can log in with the account you need to switch to.

Support for the rectorate MS Teams

For support on the rectorate teams accounts the contacts are here. IT of FA CU does not offer support for rectorate accounts. 

Contact e-mail for e-learning:

If you have any questions regarding e-learning, please do not hesitate to contact us at the email address above. You can also reach us at this phone number: 221 619 282